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International Journal of Applied Agricultural & Horticultural Sciences
  • 21 September, 2024
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Frequency : Bimonthly
Language : English
DOI Prefix : 10.37322
P-ISSN : 0974-0775
E-ISSN : 2582-4198
NAAS Rating
: 3.85 (2021)
Total Papers
: 2640
Total Views
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IP Index : 2.07
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IIFS : 2.035
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Green Farming
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  • 1. Papers are invited for the forthcoming issues of Green Farming. Few Mini Review articles on applied aspects of new approaches (with Sr. Authors) may be adjusted, if sent on priority by email. For more details, please contact us.
Vol. 3 (2) : March-April 2012 issue
Green Farming Vol. 3 (2) : 180-183 (March-April, 2012)
Correlation studies in some genotypes of guava
Deptt. of Horticulture, College of Agriculture (Affiliated to Mar. Agric. University, Parbhani), Latur - 413 512 (M.S.)
Designation :  
1,3,4P.G. Student *(vishalkpatil47@gmail.com), 2Professor
Subject : Fruit Science and Pomology
Paper No. :
Total Pages : 4
Received : 20 September 2011
Revised accepted : 25 February 2012
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Citation :

S.K. LAKADE, T.B. TAMBE, V.R. GHARGE and P.A. DHOMANE. 2012. Correlation studies in some genotypes of guava. Green Farming Vol. 3 (2) : 180-183 ; March-April, 2012

The present investigation was carried out on ten genotypes of guava viz., GRS1, GRS2, GRS3, GRS4, GWS5, GWS6, GWS7, GWS8 GWS9 and L-49 during winter season of 2009-10 in randomized block design with three replications of each genotype. The results were obtained for the correlation coefficient. The correlation coefficients indicate the presence of inherent association between various characters. The study revealed that fruit yield per hectare exhibited highly significant and positive correlation with height of tree, tree volume, number of fruits per tree, pulp: seed ratio, ascorbic acid and total sugar at genotypic and phenotypic level and pulp content at genotypic level. Fruit yield per hectare also showed significant and positive correlation with TSS and non-reducing sugar at genotypic and phenotypic level and pulp content at phenotypic level. Also, it showed highly significant but negative correlation with number of seeds per fruit, weight of 100 seeds and acidity at genotypic level, whereas, it showed significant but negative association with days to maturity at both the levels. The remaining characters viz., leaf area, weight of fruit, volume of fruit, weight of pulp, lycopene and reducing sugar showed positive correlation with fruit yield per hectare at both the levels. Hence, these characters may be given consideration while making selection for the improvement of guava genotypes.
Key words :
Correlation, guava, lycopene, Psidium guajava.