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International Journal of Applied Agricultural & Horticultural Sciences
  • 20 September, 2024
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Frequency : Bimonthly
Language : English
DOI Prefix : 10.37322
P-ISSN : 0974-0775
E-ISSN : 2582-4198
NAAS Rating
: 3.85 (2021)
Total Papers
: 2640
Total Views
: 951943
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IP Index : 2.07
GIF (2016) : 0.468
IIFS : 2.035
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  • 1. Papers are invited for the forthcoming issues of Green Farming. Few Mini Review articles on applied aspects of new approaches (with Sr. Authors) may be adjusted, if sent on priority by email. For more details, please contact us.
Vol. 7 (6) : November-December 2016 issue
Green Farming Vol. 7 (6) : 1358-1362 ; November-December, 2016
Identification of heterotic direct and reciprocal crosses of dual purpose pigeonpea
aCoastal Soil Salinity Research Station, Navsari Agricultural University, Danti-Umbharat - 396 436 (Gujarat)
bPulses and Castor Research Station, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari - 396 450 (Gujarat)
cMain Sugarcane Research Station, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari - 396 450 (Gujarat)
dCotton Wilt Research Sub-station, Navsari Agricultural University, Hansot, Dist. Bharuch - 393 030 (Gujarat)
Designation :  
1,4Assistant Research Scientist *(haimiljoshi@gmail.com), 2Assoc. Res. Scientist, 3SRF & Ph.D. Scholar (GPB)
Subject : Crop Genetics and Plant Breeding
Paper No. : P-4795
Total Pages : 5
Received : 06 February 2016
Revised accepted : 14 October 2016
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Citation :

H.K. JOSHI, D.A. CHAUHAN, A.R. PATHAK and H.N. PATEL. 2016. Identification of heterotic direct and reciprocal crosses of dual purpose pigeonpea. Green Farming Vol. 7 (6) : 1358-1362 ; November-December, 2016

A field experiment was undertaken with a view to know the extent of heterosis for dual purpose pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.]. The hybrids were developed by adopting complete diallel mating design (including reciprocals) involving a set of 36 pigeonpea entries including six parents, 30 crosses and two parental lines viz., vegetable purpose released variety GT-1 and grain purpose released variety Vaishali as checks in randomized block design with three replications at Bharuch, Hansot and Navsari. Significant heterobeltiosis and standard heterosis over GT-1 and Vaishali for green pod yield per plant, dry seed yield per plant and majority of the yield components suggested that there is a good scope of exploiting heterosis and also possibilities of isolating desirable segregants. AVPP-1 x Vaishali, AVPP-1 x BP-06-33 and AVPP-1 x SKNP-11-19 recorded highest heterotic values for green pod yield as well as dry seed yield per plant.
Key words :
Complete diallel, Dry seed & green pod yield, Heterobeltiosis, Pigeonpea, Standard heterosis.