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International Journal of Applied Agricultural & Horticultural Sciences
  • 21 September, 2024
Indexing :
Journal’s Code
Frequency : Bimonthly
Language : English
DOI Prefix : 10.37322
P-ISSN : 0974-0775
E-ISSN : 2582-4198
NAAS Rating
: 3.85 (2021)
Total Papers
: 2640
Total Views
: 952931
Impact Factor
SJIF (2018) : 6.967
IP Index : 2.07
GIF (2016) : 0.468
IIFS : 2.035
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Green Farming
Green Farming
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Green Farming
Green Farming
Green Farming
Green Farming
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Green Farming
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Green Farming
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  • 1. Papers are invited for the forthcoming issues of Green Farming. Few Mini Review articles on applied aspects of new approaches (with Sr. Authors) may be adjusted, if sent on priority by email. For more details, please contact us.
Vol. 4 (2) : March-April 2013 issue
Green Farming Vol. 4 (2) : 247-248 (March-April, 2013)
Laboratory incubation method for lime requirement of an acid soil
aZonal Agricultural Research Station, Navile, Shimoga - 577 204 (Karnataka), bCollege of Agriculture , Shimoga - 577 204 (Karnataka)
Designation :  
1Associate Director of Research, 2P.G. Student, 3Assistant Professor *(ganapathiguddekoppa@yahoo.com)
Subject : Agronomy and Crop Production
Paper No. : P-0487
Total Pages : 2
Received : 04 September 2012
Revised accepted : 15 December 2012
First Page
Citation :

Y. VISHWANATHSHETTY, N.C. RAVI and GANAPATHI. 2013. Laboratory incubation method for lime requirement of an acid soil. Green Farming Vol. 4 (2) : 247-248 ; March-April, 2013

Key words :
Acid soils, Calcium saturation, Incubation method, Lime requirement.