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International Journal of Applied Agricultural & Horticultural Sciences
  • 20 September, 2024
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Language : English
DOI Prefix : 10.37322
P-ISSN : 0974-0775
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  • 1. Papers are invited for the forthcoming issues of Green Farming. Few Mini Review articles on applied aspects of new approaches (with Sr. Authors) may be adjusted, if sent on priority by email. For more details, please contact us.
Vol. 5 (3) : May-June 2014 issue
Green Farming Vol. 5 (3) : 439-442 ; May-June, 2014
Constraints impeding the entrepreneurial behaviour of vermi-compost technology
aDeptt. of Extension Education, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi - 221 005 (U.P.)
bDeptt. of Agricultural Extension, Agricultural College (A.N.G. Ranga Agricultural University) Bapatla - 522 101 (A.P.)
Designation :  
1Research Scholar *(sravantamminana@gmail.com), 2Professor
Subject : Agriculture Extension Education
Paper No. : P-1332
Total Pages : 4
Received : 14 January 2014
Revised accepted : 25 April 12014
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Citation :

T. SRAVAN KUMAR and G. SIVANARAYANA. 2014. Constraints impeding the entrepreneurial behaviour of vermi-compost technology. Green Farming  Vol. 5 (3) : 439-442  ;  May-June, 2014

Vermicomposting, as micro-enterprise has been used as an effective tool for organic waste management in many geographies who are largely agro-based.However, vermicomposting as one of the methods of generating additional source of income, economic empowerment and assuring sustainable livelihood approach along with the already known environmental benefits has been newly found to be one of the most appropriateenterprises. As a small enterprise it also has that many constraints to produce at the farm level, hence a study was conducted to identify the constraints faced by vermicompost entrepreneurs and to suggest them to boost vermicompost production in Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh. Sixty respondents were randomly selected from twenty seven mandals. The study revealed that lack of awareness regarding improved methods of vermicompost practices, labour availability, adequate quantity of FYM/ compost is not available, lack of remunerative prices for the produce, attack by pests, lack of knowledge on market information, inadequate transport facilities, high cost of initial investment, lack of demand for the product in the market, inadequate marketing facilities, inadequate training facilities, complex process of obtaining loan/ finance, credit is not available at proper time and difficulty in procuring earthworms.
Key words :
Constraint, Micro-enterprise, Small business, Vermicompost.